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International Equality Plan

Equality plan

The Organic Law of Equality 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, establishes the need for the public powers to acquire a commitment that guarantees the incorporation of the gender perspective in public policies and full recognition of the role of women in the cultural, historical, social and economic spheres. Specifically, the law encourages universities to promote teaching and research on the meaning and scope of equality between women and men through training in regulated studies and specific postgraduate courses. Also, activities that promote the values of equality and against sexist behaviors should be included as deduced from the R.D.

Legislative of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee. In compliance with the mandate of the Organic Law of Universities, the Defense University Center has drawn up an Equality Plan. This Plan has as its starting point the realization of a prior diagnosis of the situation based on available data, in order to later propose the specific lines of action for which a monitoring and evaluation system is included for the achievement of the set goals. The ownership of the University Center for Defense corresponds to the Ministry of Defense, therefore the former has as a frame of reference the II Plan for Equality in the General Administration of the State. In addition, as a Center attached to the University of Zaragoza also contemplates the Equality Plan of the aforementioned university.

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Plan de igualdad